Version 2.0 has been out for 2 years now.*

*...Well, not TECHNICALLY, 'cause the release date for 2.0 was August 26th... and today's the 24th... you get the point.

That feels very weird to me. 2.0 is the version of the game that I felt satisfied with for a good long while. 2.0 was my magnum opus to the game - NAY, my SWAN SONG... but I still didn't feel satisfied. Why? To this day, I still don't know. It was a great update. But maybe my plans changed too much while working on it.

I also feel like my plans for 2.1 changed quite a lot mid-development. Specifically the Demolitionist/Destruction route. Village 1 and 2 had gone exactly to plan, them BAM, I ran out of steam right as I got up to village 3. The lack of motivation really did hit me like a truck.

After I had done some much needed and quite rare thinking, I came to the realization that "I don't need to make this update be perfect. Even if I'm not entirely satisfied with it." So I started to free-style the rest of the update. Who am I making it for, anyway, in the end? ...Me. I made Steve RPG 1.0 for me. I made Steve RPG 1.1 for me. 2.0. 2.1. I just had to realize that I needed to be comfortable with the fact that, even though I felt like I was making this update for my 2 very loyal fans, I was ultimately making the update for myself.

Something that you gotta realize as a game developer, or a composer, or an artist (of any kind), etc... is you should never expect someone else to care about the thing you're making. As much as you care about it, anyway. Anything you make is gonna reach any kind of audience. Statistically speaking, in our rapidly increasing population of 8 billion people on planet earth, SOMEONE out there has to care about something you've made. But that shouldn't be your driving force. Make something you're happy with, or at least, satisfied with to some degree. Even if it's a shitty "joke" game in RPG Maker.

Create stuff to create stuff. Create stuff for yourself so you can go back to it or look back on it and say "Maybe I am proud of that thing".

Thanks for stickin' around, I hope you find this post inspiring. Luv ya bunches. Happy 2 years to the update that changed my perspective of this game.

Get Steve RPG

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